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Stigma,What It Means To Me

When is was a young buck for 4 years I was the face of Hanes underwear alongside Michael Jordan- and although that is something many would take pride in, it was always a source of insecurity for me as I was always weary of the stigma that might be associated with it. However, through the years I have worked hard to make a name for myself as a business man as well. Now, I can list a 620 GMAT score and an MBA right next to my Hanes campaign on my resume. I have never let anyone put me in a box, and as a result, I have realized success in many different arenas. Now, I am no longer insecure about any of my accomplishments, as they are all pieces of the puzzle that make up who I am. It never ceases to amaze me how the biggest haters are often people whose accomplishments do not hold a candle to your own. They are the people who accepted complacency in their own lives, and cannot accept the fact that others have dared to be better. Never let anyone tell you who you are or what you can achieve- your ceiling is as high as you allow it to be built! Big shout to @Jerrydigital CoFounder NOIZYBrands a innovative company with the best headphones. @noizybrands #tbt #repost#bebetter #lookingback #gwu #mba #620#gmat #aboveaverage #instagood#conquer #your #insecurities #love #smile#saythankyou #noizybrands

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